
You can configure your baton installation defining a config dictionary in your


This is an example of configuration:

    'SITE_HEADER': 'Baton',
    'SITE_TITLE': 'Baton',
    'INDEX_TITLE': 'Site administration',
    'SUPPORT_HREF': '',
    'COPYRIGHT': 'copyright © 2017 <a href="">Otto srl</a>', # noqa
    'POWERED_BY': '<a href="">Otto srl</a>',
    'MENU_TITLE': 'Menu',
    'GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_IMG': 'retro',
    'FORCE_THEME': None
    'LOGIN_SPLASH': '/static/core/img/login-splash.png',
        'label': 'Search contents...',
        'url': '/search/',
    'MENU': (
        { 'type': 'title', 'label': 'main', 'apps': ('auth', ) },
            'type': 'app',
            'name': 'auth',
            'label': 'Authentication',
            'icon': 'fa fa-lock',
            'default_open': True,
            'models': (
                    'name': 'user',
                    'label': 'Users'
                    'name': 'group',
                    'label': 'Groups'
        { 'type': 'title', 'label': 'Contents', 'apps': ('flatpages', ) },
        { 'type': 'model', 'label': 'Pages', 'name': 'flatpage', 'app': 'flatpages' },
        { 'type': 'free', 'label': 'Custom Link', 'url': '', 'perms': ('flatpages.add_flatpage', 'auth.change_user') },
        { 'type': 'free', 'label': 'My parent voice', 'children': [
            { 'type': 'model', 'label': 'A Model', 'name': 'mymodelname', 'app': 'myapp', 'icon': 'fa fa-gavel' },
            { 'type': 'free', 'label': 'Another custom link', 'url': '' },
        ] },
    'ANALYTICS': {
        'CREDENTIALS': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'credentials.json'),
        'VIEW_ID': '12345678',

Site title

Default: ‘Baton’

Index title

Default: ‘Site administration’

Support href

This is the content of the href attribute of the support link rendered in the footer.

Default: ‘

Example: ‘

Powered by

A powered by information included in the right part of the footer, under the SITE_TITLE string

Default: ‘<a href=””>Otto srl</a>’


POWERED_BY is marked as safe, so you can include img tags or links

Confirm unsaved changes

Alert the user when he’s leaving a change or add form page without saving changes

Default: True


The check for a dirty form relies on the jQuery serialize method, so it’s not 100% safe. Disabled inputs, particular widgets (ckeditor) can not be detected.

Show multipart uploading

Show an overlay with a spinner when a multipart/form-data form is submitted

Default: True

Enable images preview


Displays a preview above all input file fields which contain images. You can control how the preview is displayed overriding the class .baton-image-preview. By default previews are 100px height and with a box shadow on over event

Default: True

Changelist filters in modal


If set to True the changelist filters are opened in a centered modal above the document, useful when you set many filters. By default, its value is False and the changelist filters appears from the right side of the changelist table.

Default: False

Changelist filters always open

If set to True the changelist filters are opened by default. By default, its value is False and the changelist filters can be expanded clicking a toggler button. This option is considered only if CHANGELIST_FILTERS_IN_MODAL is False

Default: False

Changelist filters form


If set to True the changelist filters are treated as in a form, you can set many of them at once and then press a filter button in order to actually perform the filtering. With such option all standard filters are displayed as dropdowns.

Default: False

Collapsable user area


If set to True the sidebar user area is collapsed and can be expanded to show links.

Default: False

Messages toasts

You can decide to show all or specific level admin messages in toasts. Set it to True to show all message in toasts. set it to ['warning', 'error'] to show only warning and error messages in toasts.

Default: False

Gravatar default image

The default gravatar image displayed if the user email is not associated to any gravatar image. Possible values: 404, mp, identicon, monsterid, wavatar, retro, robohash, blank (see gravatar docs []).

Default: ‘retro’

Gravatar enabled

Should a gravatar image be shown for the user in the menu?

Default: True

Login splash image


An image used as body background in the login page. The image is centered and covers the whole viewport.

Default: None

Force theme

You can force the light or dark theme, and the theme toggle disappears from the user area.

Default: None

Search Field


With this functionality, you can configure a sidebar input search field with autocomplete functionality that can let you surf easily and quickly to any page you desire.

    'label': 'Label shown as placeholder',
    'url': '/api/path/',

The autocomplete field will call a custom api at every keyup event. Such api receives the text param in the querystring and should return a json response including the search results in the form:

    length: 2,
    data: [
        { label: 'My result #1', icon: 'fa fa-edit', url: '/admin/myapp/mymodel/1/change' },
        // ...

You should provide the results length and the data as an array of objects which must contain the label and url keys. The icon key is optional and is treated as css class given to an i element.

Let’s see an example:

def admin_search(request):
    text = request.GET.get('text', None)
    res = []
    news = News.objects.all()
    if text:
        news = news.filter(title__icontains=text)
    for n in news:
            'label': str(n) + ' edit',
            'url': '/admin/news/news/%d/change' %,
            'icon': 'fa fa-edit',
    if text.lower() in 'Lucio Dalla Wikipedia'.lower():
            'label': 'Lucio Dalla Wikipedia',
            'url': '',
            'icon': 'fab fa-wikipedia-w'
    return JsonResponse({
        'length': len(res),
        'data': res

You can move between the results using the keyboard up and down arrows, and you can browse to the voice url pressing Enter.



In order to use the Google Analytics index, install baton along the optional dependencies with pip install django-baton[analytics]


Baton provides an index view which displays google analytics statistics charts for the last 15 days, 1 month, 3 month and 1 year.

In order to activate it you need to create a service account and link it to your google analytics view, then you must define the keys:

  • CREDENTIALS: path to the credentials json file
  • VIEW_ID: id of the analytics view which serves the data

You can add contents before and after the analytics dashboard by extending the baton/analytics.html template and filling the baton_before_analytics and baton_after_analytics blocks.

How to generate a credentials json file

Follow the steps in the Google Identity Platform documentation to create a service account from the Google Developer Console.

Once the service account is created, you can click the Generate New JSON Key button to create and download the key and add it to your project.

Add the service account as a user in Google Analytics. The service account you created in the previous step has an email address that you can add to any of the Google Analytics views you’d like to request data from. It’s generally best to only grant the service account read-only access.